How do make your remote desktop span multiple monitors
Posted by Barry Bahrami on 09 August 2009 11:12 AM
If your PC's desktop is made up of multiple monitors, then you may want your remote desktop session to stretch the entire length of your desktop. The default is to maximize on a single monitor only, but with a simple change to your RDP shortcut you can make it stretch across your entire desktop.

Start by downloading the RDP shortcut to connect to your desktop. You can do this by directing your web browser to your VE's IP address. i.e. if your VE IP is then go to

Right click on “remote desktop shortcut” on the left, and select “save target as”. Save the shortcut to your PC’s desktop.

next, right-click on the shortcut and select "open with". Select notepad.

add the following line at the bottom of the file:

span monitors:i:1

save the file and close notepad

Double click to connect. Note you may need to log off any open sessions and reconnect.
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