Knowledgebase: Windows VPS
Autoboot User Guide - HTML
Posted by Marques F on 28 April 2011 04:45 PM

CNS Autoboot User Guide - HTML

A PDF version including screenshots can be found here.


CNS Autoboot will start designated applications without any user action after a Windows reboot. To accomplish this, CNS Autoboot configures the selected application(s) to run automatically as a Windows service, allowing the operating system to start the application at system boot. This results in significantly faster startup time because no users need to be logged in. It is also more resilient because the service is monitored by the operating system.


CNS Autoboot also allows the user to configure the designated startup order. By starting applications one at a time, resource overutilization is eliminated at boot time. This results in faster startups of all applications and an extremely low rate of failure. Since the task is accomplished without creating any user sessions, it is not dependent on user profiles and eliminates the possibility of double logged on sessions. The only way a program can be started twice is if the user intentionally starts it manually from the Start menu.


CNS Autoboot starts the designated applications automatically and will take action for events based on the application's Autoboot configuration. The first user logged in will be able to interact with the applications - and should NEVER log off (Start-> Log Off) but should Disconnect instead (click the X in the top bar).


CNS Autoboot is compatible with all CNS Windows Server 2003/2008/2012 Virtual Private Servers.


Please review the entire Autoboot User Guide before using CNS Autoboot.


Please contact CNS Support if you identify any new bugs or have an idea for a new feature.

Autoboot is a product of your feedback - THANK YOU!



NOTE: CNS Autoboot is preinstalled in all Trader's VPS Packages. You will find the shortcut to edit the Autoboot configuration on your VPS desktop.


Upgrading from Autoboot 2

These steps can be skipped if you are not upgrading from Autoboot 2.


1.    To remove a previous version of Autoboot begin by going into your Autoboot configuration and remove the settings for all of the applications that were configured to be automatically started.


2.    Place a check in the checkbox for "Confirm Start/Stop ALL" then click "Stop ALL".


3.    Select your applications and then click "Remove from AutoBoot".



4.    After all applications have been moved to the box labeled "The following items will be removed from Autoboot" place a check in the checkbox labeled "Check to confirm removal" then click "Apply Changes".


Download and run the Autoboot installation file

The current release of Autoboot can be found here:


Run the downloaded executable and follow the prompts to install Autoboot.



Initial Configuration

Setup your Autoboot credentials

1.    Click "Edit".

2.    Select "Global Autoboot Settings".

3.    Click the "Windows Account" tab.

4.    Input the Username and Password that you use to login to your VPS.

5.    Click "Save Changes".


Setup your notification email information - Optional

1.    Click "Edit".

2.    Select "Global Autoboot Settings".

3.    Click the "Events" tab.

4.    Click "Configure".


A.   Destination e-mail

·      Send e-mail notifications to e-mail: The email address that you would like the notification email to be sent to.



B.   Mail details

·      From Address field: The email address that the notification email will be sent from.


·      From Name (optional): The name that will show up when viewing the notification email.

Example: CNS Autoboot

C.   Mail server details

·      SMTP Mail server address: The mail server that you will be sending your notification email through.


·      SMTP Mail server port: The port that is used when sending mail from your mail server.

     Example: 25

·      SMTP Server requires an encrypted SSL connection: When checked it will allow you to send your notification email over Secure Socket Layer if your mail server supports it.

     Default: Unchecked

·      SMTP Server requires authentication: When checked it will use the account information that is stored in the Login and Password fields to send notification emails through your mail server.

     Default: Checked


D.      After your email information has been configured you can click the "Send test message" button to send a test notification email to the destination email address.


E.       Click OK to save your settings.



Application List Modification

Adding an application to the startup list

1.    From the main Autoboot window click "Add new application" in the application action bar.

2.    Navigate to the location of your application executable.

3.    Select the application executable that Autoboot should automatically start then click "Open".

Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\CNS MetaTrader 4\terminal.exe

4.    You should be presented with the "Edit/View Application" window click "Save Changes" to complete adding the application to your Autoboot startup list or continue configuring your options.


Enable or Disable a startup list application

1.    From the main Autoboot window select the application in the startup list that you should be enabled or disabled.

Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\CNS MetaTrader 4\terminal.exe

2.    Click "Enable" or "Disable" in the application action bar.


Removing an application from the startup list

1.    From the main Autoboot window select the application in the startup list that should be removed. Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\CNS MetaTrader 4\terminal.exe

2.    Click "Remove" in the application action bar.

3.    You will be asked to confirm the application removal. Your application will also be stopped after confirmation.

4.    Click "Yes" to confirm the removal from the Autoboot startup list.


Reorder your application startup list

1.    From the main Autoboot window select the application in the startup list that should be reordered.

Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\CNS MetaTrader 4\terminal.exe

2.    Click "Move Up" or "Move Down" until the application is in the desired start up position.



Advanced Configuration

Common Autoboot Event Actions

·      Send e-mail: Autoboot will send an email to the address specified in your Notification Email Information settings.

·      Restart Application: Autoboot will restart the application when the configured event is triggered.

·      Stop Application: Autoboot will stop the application when the configured event is triggered.

·      Restart Computer: Autoboot will reboot your VPS when the configured event is triggered.


Low RAM Event

Autoboot can be configured to execute an action when your VPS is low on RAM.


·      To reach the Low RAM Event settings:

1.       Click "Edit".

2.       Select "Global Autoboot Settings".

3.       Low RAM settings will be in the "Events" tab.


Low available system RAM

·      Select the action(s) that you would like Autoboot to take when your VPS has reached the RAM amount set in the "Minimum" field. Send e-mail, Restart all Autoboot applications, Stop all Autoboot applications, Restart computer.

Recommended: Send e-mail, Minimum: 100 MB

Application Configuration - Edit/View Application Window

General Tab


·      Executable path: The full path to your application executable.

·      Arguments (optional): Application launch arguments can go here.

·      Enabled/Disabled state: (checkbox) Checked: startup via Autoboot is enabled. Unchecked: startup via Autoboot is disabled.

·      Minimize application after start: This setting will minimize your enabled application after it is started.

·      Wait before starting application: The amount of time in seconds to wait before starting the next application in the Autoboot application startup list.


Program Health Monitoring Tab


·      Unexpected Exit (Crash): Select the action(s) that you would like Autoboot to take if your application unexpectedly stops working.

·      Expected Exit: Select the action(s) that you would like Autoboot to take if you exit your application or it completes without error.

·      Application Hungup: Select the action(s) that you would like Autoboot to take if your application hangs or does not respond.

·      High Memory Usage ADVANCEDSelect the action(s) that you would like Autoboot to take if your application uses more RAM than specified in the "Maximum memory for application" field.

·      High CPU Usage: Select the action(s) that you would like Autoboot to take if your application is using high amounts of CPU for an extended period of time. This event is triggered when the application is using more CPU than defined in "Maximum CPU usage for application" for longer than the amount of minutes specified in "High CPU usage should last".


NOTE: You must ensure that the Maximum memory for application field has a reasonable RAM usage size assigned or Autoboot could keep restarting your application. It is recommended that you initially leave this option disabled or use the Low available system RAM setting instead.


Logs Monitoring Tab


Autoboot can monitor your log files and look for keywords. When Autoboot matches a keyword in your log file it will execute the configured action.


·      Log file 1 for monitoring and Log file 2 for monitoring can be set to the path of a log file that will be monitored by Autoboot by clicking the "..." button for either field.


·      Set the log file(s) to be monitored

1.       From the Logs Monitoring tab click the "..." button next to the respective log file field.

2.       Navigate to the directory where your log file is stored.

3.       Select your log file then click "Open".

Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\CNS MetaTrader 4\experts\logs\20110928.log


·      Monitoring mode:

·         Monitor latest by date, similar to specified in folder: This option updates the log file name monitored according to the current date for terminals that create a new log each day.

·         Monitor only the specified files: Monitor only the exact file name specified.


·      Configure keywords for log monitoring

1.       From the Logs Monitoring tab click "Add keyword".

2.       Click on the "New keyword" that was created.

3.       Click "Rename".

4.       Enter your keyword in the highlighted field.

5.       Configure the action associated to your keyword or click "Save Changes" to save your changes and exit.


·      Configure the keyword action

1.       From the Logs Monitoring tab click the arrow for the dropdown box that is associated to the keyword.

2.       Select the action that will be executed when the keyword is matched.

3.       Click "Save Changes" to save your changes and exit.

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