Knowledgebase: Network Connectivity
VPN Setup Guide for Mac
Posted by Barry Bahrami on 30 October 2015 08:33 PM

NOTE:  We strongly recommend the OpenVPN client is used, along with the Open VPN configuration files.  Although the method detailed below can be used to connect to the VPN service, it uses preshared keys which is a security risk for some people.

OpenVPN configuration files can be found in the control panel.


VPN Setup Guide for Mac

    Initial configurations (only once at the first time)

1.    Click the network icon on the top-right side on the Mac screen. Click "Open Network Preferences..." in the menu.

2.    Click the "+" button on the network configuration screen.

3.    Select "VPN" or other descriptive label as the "Interface" name, "L2TP over IPsec" as "VPN Type" and click the "Create" button.
    A new L2TP VPN configuration will be created, and the configuration screen will appear.

    On this screen, you have to specify either hostname or IP address of the destination SoftEther VPN Server.
    Select the hostname for the data center that is closest to your geograpgical location. (Los Angeles) (New York) (UK)

4.    After you specified the "Server Address" , input the user-name on the "Account Name" field, which is the next to the "Server Address" field.
    The username is listed in the email your received.

5.    Next, click the "Authentication Settings..." button.
    The authentication screen will appear. Input your password in the "Password" field. Specify the pre-shared key also on the "Shared Secret" field.
    Shared secret key is "vpnvpnvpn"
    Your vpn password is located in the email you received.
    After you input them, click the "OK" button.

6.    After return to the previous screen, check the "Show VPN status in menu bar" and click the "Advanced..." button.
    The advanced settings window will appear. Check the "Send all traffic over VPN connection" and click the "OK" button.
    On the VPN connection settings screen, click the "Connect" button to start the VPN connection.

7.    Start a VPN connection

    You can start a new VPN connection by clicking the "Connect" button at any time. You can also initiate a VPN connection by clicking the VPN icon on the menu bar.

    After the VPN connection will be established, the VPN connection setting screen will become as below as the "Status" will be "Connected" . Your private IP address on the         VPN, and connect duration time will be displayed on the screen.

8.     Enjoy VPN communication

    While VPN is established, all communications will be relayed via the VPN Server.

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