Some subscribers utilize our VPN service to connect to our network in order to subsequently access a remote desktop or another provider peered with our network. For a number of these subscribers, the need to use a VPN exists because of extremely high latency between them and the host they are ultimately trying to connect to. Here are some tips to help speed things up over the VPN:
- Connect to the CNS VPN end-point that is closest to your ultimate destination. This will enable the benefits of multiple TCP channels for most of the end to end circuit. Our Looking Glass can help you identify the best VPN end-point, which is the one with the least latency to the ultimate destination.
- In the VPN connection properties->Advanced Settings, set number of TCP connections to the highest possible while still realizing some speed improvement. i.e. start at 4 and test the connection. then try 5. If it's faster, try 6 until there is no more speed improvement.
- Do not use data encryption. yes, the VPN itself will not be secured however most traffic that should be secured is already secured by SSL so this will not be a concern for most.
- It generally makes no difference if you select the Anonymous_VPN or Anonymous_VPN_Pub_Static_IP hub. You can select based on your privacy concerns.
- If you only want to use the VPN to connect to specific end-points, select "No Adjustments to Routing Table" in the VPN Connection Properties->Advanced Settings. This will prevent ALL traffic from using the VPN by default. You can then add a specific route on your machine to the end-point using the VPN. It will be a command similar to: route add mask [gwip]. CNS Support will be happy to help you with this.