Knowledgebase: Windows VPS
Troubleshooting remote printing in a Windows VE
Posted by Barry Bahrami on 02 January 2008 10:27 PM
When a user logs on to a Windows Terminal Server with the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client, the client sends information about the client’s printers to the Terminal Server. The Terminal Server uses this information to auto-create printers in the user’s session that correlate to the user’s local or network printers. If the name of the client printer driver matches “exactly” that of a printer driver that is installed on the Terminal Server, or is listed in the ntprint.inf (the file that lists the printer drivers that are built-in to the Windows Server installation, and can be loaded on demand) the client printer is successfully auto-created. Print jobs created in the user’s session are routed from the Terminal Server to the associated client printer by way of a virtual channel in the RDP Protocol.

If an exact name match does not exist between the client and Terminal Server printer driver, auto-creation fails and errors 1111 and 1106 are written to the system event log.

Most issues with remote desktop printing are due to one of two things:

1) The 'printers' checkbox has not been selected in the remote desktop client (local resources tab)
2) The same printer driver is not installed on both the VE and the remote desktop client.

If the printers checkbox has recently been selected and an open session on the VE already exists then it is necessary to log off the open session on the VE and log back on to effect a redirect of resources.

If the printers checkbox has been selected then it is probable that the same printer driver is not installed on both the VE and the PC. It may be necessary to update the PC printer driver in order to ensure the same version is loaded on both the VE and PC.

It may be difficult to obtain the printer driver files on their own, for install into the VE. For example, HP only offers an installable file that only works with XP. The server *does* accept installing a printer driver for XP, however it does not accept an executable driver installable file intended for XP. In cases like these, here's the workaround to extract the driver and install it into the VE. This workaround illustrates HP printers. The same method can be used with other manufacturers, but keep in mind their file names are probably different.

1) Extract driver files from executable driver installation file downloaded from On an XP machine run the executable file, let it unpack all the files until it is ready to install. Locate the temporarily unpacked files in your Temp dir (C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Temp\hp_webrelease) and copy the entire folder to your server.

2) Install on server:
Go to: Control panel -> Printers -> menu:File -> menu item: Server -> tab:Drivers -> button: Add -> button: Have disk -> locate file "hppipnsa.inf".

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Comments (1)
Tummy Tuck
06 January 2009 02:23 PM
I gotta say that is a good post
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