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To download OpenVPN configuration files for the CNS VPN service, please login to the CNS Control Panel and click "My Products & Serivces"->"View Details" next to the VPN subscription. Scroll down and you will find an OpenVPN Configurator. Select the lo...
REBOOT REQUIRED - SAVE ALL WORK BEFORE INSTALLING Run this program in your CNS Windows/Trader's VPS to (re)randomize the RDP port and help protect it against RDP attack and unauthorized access. Your CNS VPS Remote Desktop (RDP) connection port wi...
This looking glass can be used to test latency from any CNS datacenter to remote IPv4 ">Datacenter: Please select Los Angeles, California New York, New York London, England Remote IPv4 or IPv6 address or host name: Please help us keep our lat...
The following table list the latency between our Trader's VPS and popular brokers by CNS datacenter [read more about low latency [1]]. There is also more information listed in the FAQ [2] below this chart. CLICK ON THE DATACENTER (I.E. NY OR UK) AT...
When calling into the helpdesk, please use any number below: San Diego, CA: +1 (619) 225-7882 Los Angeles, CA: +1 (213) 769-1787 New York, NY: +1 (646) 930-7435 London, UK: +44 (2037) 460080
We are constantly adding new hubs based on subscriber feedback. Current available hubs are: ANONYMOUSVPN: This VPN hub will assign you a private IPv4 address. We will then change your public IP address based on the egress point on our network to the...
CNS maintains an SMS gateway to our Help Desk for your use during a power failure or other emergency in your area. SMS is ideal because it does not use jammed voice lines, will continue to try getting messages thru and also uses very little battery com...
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